Monday, June 11, 2018

Online Pay Slips of Telangana Employees

Online Pay Slips Telangana

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Telangana Treasuries and Accounts: Employee Pay-Salary Slip Download♦≡♦​The government of Telangana can provide a department of a directorate of treasuries & accounts. They can provide a salary slip to users. They can provide an online portal to help the employee. Some services avail for an employee is here Pay Particulars, Previous Pay Particulars, Class IV GPF Information, Employee Pay slip, AG GPF Account Slip, TSGLI Account Slip, NPS Transaction Statement, and Pension/GPF Grievance. They can provide here application form about several of services mention here. Their vision is providing strength in public financial management and accounting procedures. Their mission is innovation in E-governance, safeguard the public money for intended purposed. Here user needs to more details about their pension and other services.

©⇛Requirements for Employees to Get Salary-Slip:
  • Employee code
You can need employee code at the time of finding your employee pay slip. It is necessary to document for all people. Now we need to start process how to view their salary slip. This step is necessary for that person who has some proof about their salary slip. Here you can only need employee code without this information you not able to view details.
♦≡♦Step by Step Procedure to View & Get Employee Pays Slip via Telangana State Treasury Department♦≡♦
Before apply here services you need to read each steps avail then apply required services in short time. You can need internet services and computer to access web pages.

♦〉Point I: -
Applicant we can provide a web page of a directorate of treasures and accounts, government of Telangana. It can provide complete information about their employee operation. You need to use here internet services and computer to access given web pages. You can check here an image of a home page of the portal.


♦〉Point II: -
On the home page of treasures and accounts, a government of Telangana you can see here all information is avail. You need to select here employee option, and then a new page is given to users. It can provide here many of option as you can see here. You need to select here employee pay slip. You can check the here web page of employee option here.


♦〉Point III: -
After select here employee pay slip user you can find employee pay slip. If a page is not availed to the user then check web links. First, you can see here an image of a page.


The link is given here so you can open page of employee pay slip.
This link can open a web page in which employee pay slip services is avail. You need to check here service name avail.

♦〉Point IV: -
You need to fill here correct information in avail section as per mention here so check all are shown here.
  • Employee code
  • Month Name
  • Year
After fill all information avail here you need to click on submit button.

♦〉Point V: -
It can provide complete details to the user about their employee pay slip. If all information is avail here correct then you need to take print out of a slip. It is necessary services to users.

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