Friday, August 13, 2021


FAQ e-Payslip 

Ab  Credits :

Ab  About EPay-slip.

Pu  Purpose of EPay-slip.

  1. Does the content of the EPay-slip differ from my current printed payslip ?
  2. What does the EPay-slip look like ?
  3. Will the EPay-slip affect my pay or pension ?
  4. How long will my EPay-slip be available to view ?
  5. Do I need to install any new software to access my EPay-slip ?
  6. When in the month will I be able to view my EPay-slip ?
  7. Can I access my EPay-slip at home ?
  8. Can I print my EPay-slip ?
  9. Can I view my EPay-slip on a Mac or PC or Mobile Phone ?
  10. How often can I view my EPay-slip ?
  11. My lender and/or bank requires a hard copy of my payslips, can I still receive paper payslips if required ?
  12. What happens if there is a fault with my computer? Will I still get paid ?
  13. Will my EPay-slip be ‘backed up’ in case of serious technical problems ?
  14. Are EPay-slip secure ?
  15. What should I do if I think the details on my EPay-slip are not correct ?
  16. Do I need to view my EPay-slip to get paid ?